Sam Houston IV was born in Claremore, Oklahoma, September 25, 1931. He is the great-grandson of General Sam Houston and the grandson of Temple Lea Houston, the first child born in the Governor’s mansion in Austin, Texas. He married the former Virginia Mikeska, and they have three children: Vicky, Steven and Kevin. His education was primarily in private schools, St. Michael’s College, Schreiner Institute, and Allen Military Academy. He has a degree in History from the University of Houston. He served in the Army during the Korean War as a small unit Infantry combat leader.
He continued his service in the Army Reserves retiring as a Lt. Colonel. He reaches out to school children when they first study Texas history, with recollections of the Houston family and interesting facts of the Texas Revolution. He speaks to all types of organizations, was appointed to the Bi-centennial Commission of the U.S. Constitution and served on the Sesquicentennial Commission of the Republic of Texas celebration. He has served as President General of the Sons of the Republic of Texas, was Knight Commander of the Knights of San Jacinto. He is one of eight men in the 100 year history of the SRT who has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award.
He was commissioned as Commanding General of “The Texas Army” on April 20th, 2010 by Governor Perry. On February 23, 2011 he was awarded the “George Washington Award” by the Paul Carrington Chapter of the SAR. Houston, Texas. In September 1931, he was given the name “Little Colonel” by the Cherokee Indian Nation.