Volunteer Application and Agreement Form Date* Last name* First name* M.I.* Date of Birth* Driver’s License* Street Address* City* State* Zip* Phone* Email* Emergency Contact Name* Emergency Address* Emergency Relationship* Do you have any friends/family members who currently volunteer here* Yes No What are your available days and hours?* What area of ministry are you interested in volunteering in?* List your past volunteer experience:Organization* Dates* Supervisor* Phone* Duties* Organization* Dates* Supervisor* Phone* Duties* Organization* Dates* Supervisor* Phone* Duties* What church do you attend?* What is your pastors name and phone* How often do you attend* Are you involved in a small group or Bible study?* Pastor´s name* Phone* Have you or a family member ever had an addiction to drugs, alcohol, pornography, or anything else?* If yes, please explain:* Have you ever been arrested, convicted of or plead guilty to a crime?* Yes No Please explain* Have you ever been accused, charged, or alleged to have committed any act of neglecting, abusing, molesting, or battering any child or adult?* If yes, please explain:* ave you or a family member ever been raped or abused physically or sexually as a child or an adult?* If yes, please explain* Have you ever been treated for a psychiatric disorder? No Yes If yes, please explain* Are you currently taking any medications? Please list* Is there any circumstance in your life that would make it inappropriate for you to volunteer or that would compromise the integrity of Heaven's Army?* What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?* What is one mistake you witness leaders making more frequently than others?* What is one behavior or trait that you have seen derail more leaders careers?* What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?* What are you doing to ensure continued growth and development as a leader?* Why are you here?* Have you or any one in your family ever been involved in any of the following groups: Bahai, Christology, Eckankar, free masonry (lodge), guru consultation, grail message, mare Krishna, black/white magic, or yoga transcendental meditation Yes No Please explain* Print Full Legal Name:* D.L. # and State:* Last 4 of S. S. #_* D.O.B.:* Place of Birth: References:Name:* Yrs. known* Phone* Name:* Yrs. known* Phone* Name:* Yrs. known* Phone* Applicant’s Signature:* Date* CAPTCHA